Introducing our new trustee: Jess Barnes

Introducing our new trustee: Jess Barnes

We would like to give a warm welcome to our newest trustee, Jess Barnes. She joins us as the first female on the board and we are delighted to have her on the team. Jess is a mum to a young son that has AKU and has supported the charity since his diagnosis in...
Recap: Brussels AKU Scientific Conference

Recap: Brussels AKU Scientific Conference

This week’s blog looks back at our 12th International Conference on AKU. After two years of COVID, we were finally able to reunite the AKU scientific community. We heard presentations from 23 speakers, coming from eight different countries, who discussed current and...
NAC 10th Anniversary Celebration

NAC 10th Anniversary Celebration

In June this year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the National Alkaptonuria Centre (NAC), which has played a pivotal role in supporting and caring for the AKU community. In 2012, the AKU Society collaborated with the Department of Health to establish...

12th International Scientific Conference on AKU Agenda

We are looking forward to welcoming the AKU Scientific community to Brussels next month for our 12th International Scientific Conference on AKU. This meeting will bring together AKU researchers, academics, and clinicians to update the wider AKU community on AKU...
12th International Scientific Conference On AKU

12th International Scientific Conference On AKU

We are delighted to announce the return of our cancelled AKU Scientific Conference. The conference was planned for last year but was delayed due to the uncertainty of country-to-country restrictions as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting will again be held in...