Last Month the National Alkaptonuria Centres’ new data controller, Leanne joined the NAC team. Her role will be assisting Hollie with the running of the centre and making sure all information is entered clearly and accurately. In this week’s blog, Leanne tells us a little bit about herself, what inspired her to work for the NAC and what she hopes to achieve in the new role.

What were you doing before you applied for this position?
Before getting my role within the NAC I had worked on a direct debit complaints line in a call centre for Scottish Power, trained within HSBC with the area director before getting a job in the NHS working for Diabetes and Endocrinology, my role within the department gave me insight on the various responsibilities within the trust. I would be the first point of contact for patients and staff, would report any issues within the centre and get them resolved. I would cover podiatry clinics working reception if a clerk wasn’t in, and help consultants with enquiries. My main duty was to work as support for the specialist nurses were I would make and receive phone calls, book appointments, and process new referrals, arrange meetings and order stock. The manager from this department is also the manager of clinical chemistry and had informed me about a job becoming available within the NAC and that she thought I would be perfect for it. I met with Hollie on the same day and straight away I knew this was a job I was interested in. It was intriguing to find out so much about AKU which I didn’t know about previously and the commitment from everyone involved.
What interested you in working for the NAC?
When Dawn asked me to attend a meeting with her and explained about the position, I couldn’t turn it down, It sounded like a job I knew I would enjoy and be learning from all the time I believe that working for the NAC will introduce me to new experiences and opportunities, I will be involved in raising the awareness needed for AKU and helping to support staff and patients in the best way I can. I’m happy to be joining a new team and new family.

What are you looking forward to the most about this job?
I look forward to providing the best possible care and experience for our patients so that their appointments with us are comfortable and not overwhelming. I enjoy working as part of this team and raising awareness for AKU, I believe that my previous experience within the trust will be put to good use. I have been here just over 1 month so far and had my first patient week 2 weeks ago. I met some lovely patients and sat in on appointments with them. I learnt a tremendous amount from doing this and found the entire experience very educational which has provided me with a better understanding of what is involved; I also had a meeting with Hannah who gave me information about the AKU society and the service it provides for our patients. I look forward to my future within the NAC and getting to know each and every one of you.
What does your role involve?
My role is a Data Coordinator, I am currently working on our database and updating it so that it is easily readable and understandable for our department. I upload our Amino Acids to our systems and file away our reports. Going forward I will be arranging the accommodation for our patients and sending out letters and questionnaires. During patient weeks I will be assisting Hollie with escorting our patients to the various appointments and making sure the schedule runs smoothly.

What are your hobbies outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy travelling, whether that is abroad or the UK. I travel to Dublin frequently to see my partner’s family as he is from there, so Ireland has become a second home to me. I love to cook and bake it’s one of my favourite hobbies, I like finding new recipes to try and recipes from other cultures. Paella has become one of my favourite dishes to cook recently. I am also fascinated by Cosmology and enjoy learning about new findings in space and our universe. I’m currently saving up to purchase my own home so even though it’s a lengthy process and I have to cut back my hobbies to save, I look forward to decorating and furnishing a property, seeing the final outcome and enjoying a future in my new home.