On Saturday 18th March our Admin & Events Officer Robin took part in the Findacure Firewalk. This event had Robin get sponsored to walk over 800°C burning coals to raise money for the AKU Society!
The event was held at Wilberforce Road Sports Ground, Cambridge. Robin and the other fundraisers, gathered inside the sports pavilion to meet the man who would be getting them ready for the event.
Steve Consalvez, a veteran firewalker from the UK Firewalking Academy, introduced the event as a way to empower yourself, and to overcome your fears. In order to mentally prepare themselves for the walk, Steve had the fundraisers take part in activities such as ‘arrow breaking’, which involved breaking a 25-pound steel tipped arrow with their throat and ‘glass walking’ which had the fundraisers walking over broken glass bottles. These activities got people into the ‘you can do anything’ mindset, which was definitely needed to get them to walk over burning ashes!

After reassuring all of the fundraisers that they were up to the challenge, Steve led the volunteers outside to face the walk. In the dark, the 12ft of burning ashes certainly looked intimidating!
With everyone lined up and ready to walk, the first few fundraisers began their walks across the ashes. With no one crying out in pain or burning their feet (too badly), everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief!

Robin safely walked over the fire, and enjoyed it so much he decided to do it twice! It was a fantastic event that not only raised money for the AKU Society, but also for charities Campus who provide free respite holidays to disadvantaged children in the Merseyside area, and the brilliant organisers Findacure who create networks to build communities and provide treatments for rare diseases.
Well done to Robin and all of the other fundraisers for taking part! Robin raised over £100 for the AKU society for taking part in the event.