Last week, we welcomed Robin, to the AKU Society team! As our new Admin and Events Officer, he will organise fundraising events, help the rest of the team with the administration of the Society and all its projects, including the NAC and DevelopAKUre and report to the Big Lottery Fund twice a year to show the successful delivery of the reaching communities programme. In today’s blog, he tells us all about himself and what attracted him to the role.

What were you doing before you joined the AKU Society?
I was working in a Students’ Union as a Democracy and Campaigns Assistant. This role involved improving the governance and structural set up of the organisation, along with the planning and running of local and national campaigns. Prior to this, I worked as a Marketing and Admissions Assistant at the University of Bradford.
What attracted you to the role?
The AKU Society’s mixture of research and community care really attracted me to the role. I found that the focus on not just the physical, but also the mental health of patients to be a fantastic approach to helping people with AKU. Previously working in the charity sector gave me a deep appreciation of the value in working to improve the lives of others. I felt that I could make a real impact working here for such a fantastic cause.
What do you hope to achieve in the role?
I want to improve the online community around AKU patients. Working through social media I aim to grow the online presence of the AKU Society, in order to reach and help as many patients as possible. I believe there is a lot of room to develop here, with an increasingly online world the possibilities to offer support to those most isolated is enormous. I also want to put on as many engaging events as possible to bring together and help fundraise for the AKU community.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I love playing sport, particularly badminton. I also enjoy running and going to the gym. Living in the Cambridge area I aim to start riding my bike more. I also really enjoy travelling, and hope to visit as many new countries as possible over the next few years.
Favourite book/ film/ TV show and why?
My favourite book is Stoner by John Williams. A very sad but brilliantly written novel. My favourite film is The Shawshank Redemption. My favourite TV show is a tough choice, but at the moment it is definitely Westworld.