We are pleased to announce that we are hosting our 13th international conference on AKU, which will be held from the 27-28th of July. It will be held at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, in Bratislava, Slovakia. The focus of the conference will be on treating hypertyrosinaemia in AKU and hereditary tyrosinaemia type-1 (HT-1).
Our conference will bring together researchers, clinicians, and patients from all over the world to share their knowledge and experience of AKU, HT-1, and hypertyrosinaemia, advancing our knowledge and research into these conditions. This conference is a rare opportunity to unite experts in field, learn about the latest research and treatments, and plan collaboration on future research.

Hypertyrosinaemia is a condition which is caused by abnormally high levels of the amino acid tyrosine in the blood and can be induced by nitisinone, a treatment for both AKU and HT-1. Hypertyrosinaemia is a potentially serious condition, which can cause skin rashes, blindness, and brain damage in children if a strictly controlled diet is not followed. We hope that the development of a tyrosine-reduction co-therapy used in conjunction with nitisinone will lift the current restrictions placed on the upon AKU and HT-1 patients.
If you would like to attend the conference in person or virtually, please get in touch with [email protected] for more information. If you are a researcher interested in presenting your research, please also express your interest with a provisional title for us to consider to the above email.
This workshop is only possible thanks to a generous support from the European Joint Program on Rare Diseases (EJPRD) Networking Support Scheme, SOBI Slovakia and team’s assistance at the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava.