Information For International Patients


aimAKU is the patient support group for AKU patients and their families in Italy. Access their website here.

AKU Society APAC

The AKU Society of Asia-Pacific is the patient support group for AKU patients and their families in the Asia-Pacific region. Please contact [email protected] to get in touch.

AKU Society of North America

The AKU Society of North America is the patient support group for AKU patients and their families in North America and Canada. To find out more information and get in contact, go to their website.


ALCAP, the Association pour la Lutte Contre l’Alcaptonurie, is the support group for AKU patients and their families in France. To find out more, visit their website.


DSAKU (Deutschsprachige Selbsthilfegruppe für Alkaptonurie e.V.) is the patient support group for AKU patients and their families in Germany. To find out more about DSAKU, visit their website.

AKU Society Brasil

The AKU Society Brasil is the patient support group for AKU patients and their families in Brazil. To find out more, visit their Facebook page, or contact Flavia at [email protected].

Jordanian AKU Society

The Jordanian AKU society was established in 2012 at the Faculty of Medicine at Mutah University/ Alkarak/ Jordan. Their vision is to increase awareness about AKU amongst health care providers and the community in Jordan. The aims of the society are to conduct research projects about AKU in Jordan, to identify patients with AKU, and to provide counseling, information and support to AKU patients and their families.

They established an AKU research team including dietitian, biochemist, clinical pharmacologist, orthopedic, radiologist, ophthalmologist, ENT and dentist. They have strong International collaboration with the AKU Society in the UK and with other AKU societies worldwide. Their research team is the only group in the region that conducts research on AKU. They also communicate and provide counselling to AKU patients from different countries in the region (Palestine, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and UAE).

For more information visit their Facebook page, or contact Dr Mohammed Alsbou at [email protected].

AKU Society Australia

The AKU Society Australia is the patient group support for AKU patients and their loved ones in Australia. They can be contacted on [email protected]